Oil painting on canvas. Size approx 500 x 600mm. An illustration for a friend who was doing a talk on Ezekiel 16. She told me "The house where I grew up had a small but beautiful pocket handkerchief sized garden. It was surrounded by a wall about waist height and topped by a high privet hedge and my Dad carefully trimmed the hedge so that where the gate was ( which was the same height as the wall) it formed an arch over the top of it, so that you couldn't easily see in, except, through the gap over the gate ( or unless you happened to be on the top deck of the nr 49 bus as it went down the hill). Ezekiel in his book gives a couple of glimpses, out of the wasteland experience he has just described (the mess Jerusalem was in and the ruins it would become) over the hedge or if you like into a garden, one with life-giving trees either side of a river, with leaves that bring healing as explained in chapter 47,". Sold